Hunting Areas

We only hunt in the best concessions with exceptional trophy specimens

We only hunt in the best concessions with exceptional trophy specimens


MGM Ranching Hunting Safari Area

DesFountain & Co Safaris operates on three exclusive properties within the famed Save
Valley Conservancy in the South East corner of Zimbabwe.
The three Privately owned properties being Msaize, Gunundwe & Mapari Ranches
known as MGM Ranching, form a contiguous area with an expanse of more than
130000 acres in extent, without a doubt, one of the best hunting concessions in
Zimbabwe. This area has exceptional trophy specimens in all dangerous game
categories, and an abundance of plains game animals too. As with all Desfountain & Co
Safaris areas, we operate this gem in the Save Valley at the highest possible level, and
on an exclusive basis when required to do so.
With plentiful wildlife, well-maintained hunting roads and a water reticulation program to
match, this wild fence free area will not disappoint!
Booking your trip to Msaize Concession in the Save Valley guarantees you will see
record numbers of the biggest trophy dangerous game and plenty of plains
only need to do your part, Arrive, Track, Aim and allow us to help deliver your dreams.

We at Desfountain & Co Safaris look forward to hosting your Exceptional African